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A new year, a new CEO for WMQ Media release

As we commence the New Year, Wesley Mission Queensland is excited to welcome Ms. Jude Emmer to the role of CEO.

Tags: Corporate

Those who gave - Red Bag Appeal Media release

This year WMQ again held the charity gift wrapping station at Westfield Chermside.

Tags: Fundraising

Those who received - Red Bag Appeal Media release

The best part about the Red Bag Appeal is its ability to touch the lives of real people living in our community.

Tags: Crisis relief, Fundraising

Providing relief at Christmas Corporate news

To understand the impact of the Red Bag Appeal is to know that it is not just one story – it is many stories.

Tags: Crisis relief, Fundraising

Those who donated - Red Bag Appeal Media release

Our corporate and community volunteers keep the Red Bag Appeal in motion.

Tags: Fundraising

Christmas Appeal Giving Day raises more than $180,000 Corporate news

On Wednesday we held our first ever 24-hour Christmas Appeal Giving Day. Over $180,000 was raised for our Emergency Relief services throughout South East Queensland for those doing it tough during the holiday season.

Tags: Crisis relief, Fundraising

Maroochydore's newest specialist disability accommodation Corporate news

Wesley Mission QLD (WMQ) recently opened their newest Specialist Disability Accommodation, WesleyCare Maroochydore, on the Sunshine Coast. The community is already at full occupancy, with nine people calling WesleyCare home.

Tags: Disability and NDIS, WesleyCare Maroochydore

Celebrating NAIDOC Week at Wesley Mission Queensland Corporate news

Across all our WMQ services and programs, we had the opportunity to reflect, connect and learn about the history and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in this year’s NAIDOC Week – Always Was, Always Will Be.

Tags: Reconciliation

Festive food bags bring a brighter Christmas Media release

With almost 700,000 Queenslanders living in poverty and 365,000 living on Jobseeker or youth allowance payments, Wesley Mission Queensland has set out to distribute a quarter of a million dollars’ worth of food relief leading up to Christmas.

Tags: Fundraising

Cycle for Mental Health raises more than $49,000 Corporate news

During Queensland Mental Health Week 267 cyclists took part in Wesley Mission Queensland’s first Cycle for Mental Health. Each participant pledged to ride 220km during the week and could do it from anywhere in Australia.

Tags: Fundraising, Mental Health

Cycling to save lives Media release

To bring awareness to Queensland Mental Health Week, WMQ and Chapter 10 have joined forces to create a cycle for mental health. From 11 to 18 October, 226 cyclists from around Australia will be riding 220kms and raising funds to save lives.

Tags: Fundraising, Mental Health

Maryborough welcomes headspace mental health service Corporate news

Wesley Mission Queensland is proud to partner with leading youth mental health service, headspace to open a new satellite centre in Maryborough.

Tags: Mental Health

Families reunited with aged care residents Media release

Once again, residents and their loved ones can come together to celebrate birthdays, see grandchildren or just catch up for a cup of tea. Anam Cara aged care resident and her daughter were one of those families that enjoyed being together again.

Tags: Residential Aged Care

A blanket donation to brighten your day Corporate news

We’ve been blown away by the generous donation from Women’s Creative Centre, a craft hub at Greenslopes Mall. They handed over 40 hand-knitted, colourful crocheted blankets to Wesley Mission Queensland Sinnamon Village residents on Tuesday.

Tags: Residential Aged Care, Rosemount Retirement Village

Disability Action Week 2020 – A heartfelt reflection Corporate news

To celebrate Disability Action Week 2020 and its theme Access-Ability: Making things better for everyone, we spoke with Stellar Arts Visual Program facilitator, Margie. Margie shares with us her heartfelt experience with Matthew.

Tags: Disability and NDIS, Wesley Arts

Wesley Industries do disability support differently Corporate news

To celebrate the start of Disability Action Week, we are sharing how our supported employment printing and packaging service, Wesley Industries, is breaking the norm by creating a more dynamic workplace.

Tags: Disability and NDIS

Get creative with Stellar Arts Media release

Stellar Arts is a vibrant and exciting collection of creative workshops designed to support those 17-64 years of age who are living with a disability.

Tags: Disability and NDIS, Wesley Arts

The impact of Eden Alternative Philosophy of Care Corporate news

No matter our age or stage of life, we all want the opportunity to build relationships, have new experiences and enjoy a lifestyle that suits us. In all our aged cares we embrace the internationally recognised Eden Alternative philosophy of care.

Tags: Residential Aged Care

Seniors Week 2020 Media release

To mark the 60-year milestone of celebrating Seniors Week, we spoke with the inspirational 81-year-old Ann, who has hit the books and embarked on an online course in Understanding Dementia at the University of Tasmania.

Tags: Residential Aged Care

RADFLY and Women of Influence donate to YHES house Media release

Recently RADFLY and Women of Influence made a fantastic donation to YHES House of 10 laptops to benefit disadvantaged young people on the Gold Coast. We spoke to Naomi Middlebrook from RADFLY to find out how this wonderful gift came about.

Tags: Youth and parenting

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