'Yalanya – the way it is', book by Aboriginal leader Don Brady

Wesley Mission Queensland recently supported the launch of the new book 'Yalanya – the way it is' at the State Library Queensland.
Pastor Don Brady was a prominent Aboriginal leader in Queensland during the 1960s and 1970s. His journey in activism and departure from the Methodist church is told in the new book 'Yalanya – the way it is' released this month.
Pastor Don Brady was actively involved in the campaign to abolish the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander Act. This led to the Methodist church controversially withdrawing its support from Pastor Brady.
His family have collaborated on the book to tell the story of his significant contributions which live on in today’s struggle for First Nations justice and equality.
WMQ was honoured to be involved with this project, aligning with our commitment to truth telling and journeying with First Nations people towards reconciliation and equality. The launch was a huge success with the first print run already selling out.
Orders are currently being taken for a second print run, visit www.wmq.org.au/donbrady.