Please help us to improve our services. We appreciate your suggestions, compliments and complaints, and always welcome feedback from families and carers as well.
Provide your feedback in one of the following ways, and you can remain anonymous if you wish. You can:
Locked Bag 7005
Chermside Centre
Queensland 4032
We act upon feedback in a timely manner. We circulate all compliments to relevant staff so that our staff know when they’ve done well. If your feedback is a complaint, we will arrange a suitable time to talk with you and agree on a plan of action.
NDIS customers may contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by emailing [email protected]. Aged Care customers may contact the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner on 1800 550 552.
We’ve been providing services to Queenslanders for over 100 years, and we know the power of community. We can’t do what we do without your support and input.