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Retirement living articles and stories

Learn more about retirement living and our retirement communities in and around Brisbane.

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Rosemount Retirement Village residents check in at the 2023 Christmas High Tea
What makes our retirement village in Chermside a great place to call home? Stories

We asked some of our longest-standing residents , who recently came together to celebrate living at Wheller on the Park for 10+ years.

Tags: Retirement Living, Wheller on the Park Retirement Village

Ann Stallard and Noel, residents at Wheller on The Park retirement village
Christmas spirit is in the air at Rosemount Retirement Village Stories

Over 100 residents gathered to celebrate the jolly season

Tags: Retirement Living, Rosemount Retirement Village

Residents celebrate Christmas 2024 with dinner and cheers at Rosemount Retirement Village
Creating personalised meal plans: how we help meet dietary needs Educational articles

Explore how we address the unique nutritional challenges of our home care clients and aged care residents to enhance their health, wellbeing, and quality of life.

Tags: Ageing well, Health and wellbeing, Home Care, Residential Aged Care, Retirement Living

WMQ staff member in a kitchen with a aged care client with a selection of fruits and vegetables on the counter
Rediscover Rosemount Retirement Community – now officially open! Educational articles

With Stage 2 completed and new residents moving in, Rosemount became an even more vibrant community.

Tags: Retirement Living

Rosemount Retirement Village aerial shot
Resident story: the shock value of moving into a retirement village Stories

Doug and Sue Trenchard decided to downsize, finding their perfect fit at the recently opened stage 2 of Rosemount Retirement Living.

Tags: Retirement Living

Doug and Sue Trencher moved to Rosemount Retirement Village in 2024
Children visit residents at Wheller on The Park retirement village Stories

Students from St Anthony's Primary School enjoyed an Easter Morning Tea with the residents.

Tags: Retirement Living, Children

Couples from Rosemount Retirement Village celebrate their 60th anniversary Stories

Norm and Marjorie's secret to a long relationship is living a simple, humble life with strong family ties.

Tags: Retirement Living

Keep cool this summer with tips from our ageing well experts Educational articles

Our Ageing Well team shares practical tips to help you find the balance between fun and safety.

Tags: Ageing well, Retirement Living

Celebrating Wheller on the Park's 'originals' Stories

The very first residents of Wheller on the Park celebrate 15 years of calling this retirement village home.

Tags: Retirement Living, Wheller on the Park Retirement Village

12 tips for an active lifestyle in independent living homes: nurturing mind and body Educational articles

Whether you're an avid fitness enthusiast or you're simply looking to incorporate more movement into your daily routine and keep your mind sharp, we've got you covered.

Tags: Ageing well, Retirement Living

Rosemount Retirement Village - Friends relaxing in outdoor heated pool
BBQ for Queensland Day at Wheller on the Park Retirement Community Stories

The team put together a fantastic sausage sizzle and made use of the brand-new BBQs.

Tags: Retirement Living

Transitioning into your retirement village: how to prepare for the move Educational articles

What is required to best prepare, and what you can expect from retirement living.

Tags: Retirement Living

Living room of a 1 bed retirement village at Sinnamon Park, Brisbane South
Hawaiian BBQ night at Wheller on the Park retirement community Stories

Residents and staff had a blast with happy hour, food and dancing.

Tags: Retirement Living

The upside to downsizing Educational articles

Is your family home becoming a little too much to handle? Discover the upside to downsizing with these 5 key benefits to retirement living.

Tags: Retirement Living

Norman and Marjory - Rosemount Retirement Community Testimonial

“It just felt right”, these are the words that Norman and Marjory Gough used when explaining their move into Wesley Mission Queensland’s Rosemount Retirement Community.

Tags: Retirement Living

Sue - Rosemount Retirement Community Testimonial

After retiring in 2017, Sue Buckby made the decision to downsize and make the move into Wesley Mission Queensland’s Rosemount Retirement Community in Sinnamon Park.

Tags: Retirement Living

Karl - Rosemount Retirement Community Testimonial

Karl Meng was one of the first people to put a deposit down for Sinnamon Park’s luxury retirement living community, Rosemount.

Tags: Retirement Living

Great hobbies for retired people Educational articles

The best retirement is an active and busy retirement. And that means finding the right retirement activities to keep your mind and body healthy. Find out what hobbies are great for retirement.

Tags: Ageing well, Retirement Living

A man, his bike and an Hawaiian shirt Stories

89 year-old Wheller on the Park resident Pat O'Shea puts on a bright red Hawaiian shirt every morning and rides his bicycle around Chermside's parks.

Tags: Retirement Living

Ruth - Wheller on the Park Testimonial

[Living at Wheller on the Park] has been wonderful, I’ve met so many beautiful and wonderful people.

Tags: Retirement Living

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