Choosing the right service for your mental health and wellbeing

Here at Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) we want you to be the best possible version of yourself.
Currently 1 in 6 Australians are experiencing depression or anxiety or both. This is an equivalent to 3.2 million people today. An even more devastating statistic is that more than eight people die each day in Australia by suicide. We want to change these statistics for the better and reduce the stigma around mental health, because it is okay to ask for help.
The services and programs WMQ provide in the mental health space range from suicide prevention training, men’s mental health, befriending people who are lonely or isolated and much more. If you or a loved one are seeking guidance to find what service or program works best for you, you’ve come to the right place. This article provides an overview of what services and programs are on offer at WMQ.
COVID-19 Recovery Service Gold Coast
COVID-19 has impacted the lives of many, whether its financially, socially or a struggle to adapt to the ‘new normal’. We understand that this time has been challenging and now more than ever, it’s important to seek support. Our COVID-19 Recovery Service is a free six-week program for Gold Coast residents, that is tailored to support your needs to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Our Recovery Workers can meet with you in person, over the phone or online.
Crossing Paths Carer Support Gold Coast
Caring for someone who is suicidal can be a traumatic experience. We provide practical and personalised support for carers of loved ones who are suicidal. Whatever your situation is, you are not alone and we are here to help. This program is in conjunction with Beacon Strategies and Roses in the Ocean and is free for carers on the Gold Coast.
The Way Back Support Service
The Way Back provides a 12-week flexible program that offers low to high non-clinical psychological support for individuals who may have recently attempted suicide or are at risk of suicide. The Way Back is for those that have been presented or been discharged from either Robina or Gold coast University Hospital on the Gold Coast. Developed by Beyond Blue, The Way Back is there to support people through this critical risk period.
Wellbeing Mental Health Service
A free, short term therapeutic support service in Brisbane’s South that tailors its sessions towards the individual’s goals and needs. The service may benefit those in areas such as managing stress and anxiety, building self-confidence, grief and trauma support, accessing support to address addiction issues and caring for someone with a mental health concern. Our Wellbeing Consultants are qualified to help you on your path to becoming a healthier and happier you.
Suicide Prevention Training
Recognising and responding appropriately to warning signs and those at risk of suicide is an important step in reducing suicide. Whether you work in health, corporate, education or are a member of the community, we can adapt the training to suit you. Full day, half day and tailored workshops and presentations are offered that draw upon the latest research in suicide prevention.
Marcus Mission
After a family and community lost Marcus to suicide, Marcus Mission was created to help prevent men from taking their own life. Marcus Mission offers support to build skills, knowledge and connection with other men within their community. Marcus Mission focusing on three main initiatives including volunteer MENtors, resilience building and suicide prevention training.
Brisbane South Psychological Therapies Program
Designed for people who experience mild to moderate mental illness or have attempted or are at risk of suicide or self-harm. This service is for individuals that have barriers to accessing mainstream treatment options. Clients can access a number of defined therapy sessions delivered by an approved mental health clinician and is available in the South Brisbane region.
Allied Health
Available at a range of locations across Brisbane, our Allied Health professionals provide clinical, evidence based psychological therapy to those with or at risk of mental health issues. Our psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists provide a variety of recovery-based interventions that are available to people of all ages. This service is available through multiple funding streams including Mental Health Care Plan (GP referral); Aged Care funding; NDIS and Fee for Service.
Art from the Margins
Based in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, Art from the Margins supports artists who are experiencing mental health issues, physical or intellectual disabilities, homelessness and social isolation. The visual arts program provides artists with creative support, mentoring and professional development through art workshops and the opportunity to exhibit their work to the wider community.
Wesley Mission Queensland are proud operators of leading youth mental health service, headspace, in Capalaba, Hervey Bay and coming soon to Maryborough. headspace offers professional support to people aged 12-25 years old and can help people with mental and physical health, alcohol and other drugs, work and study.
Clear Breeze Apartments
Taking a new approach to fostering personal independence, Clear Breeze Apartments offers a safe and supportive permanent accommodation to people living with severe or enduring mental health issues. Available through NDIS funding, Clear Breeze has 14 purpose-built apartments located in Mitchelton.
Our programs and services are here to help you or your loved one get the right help and support you need. Take this opportunity to reach out and seek help, our friendly team are here to assist you in deciding what service is best for you, contact us today.
1 ABS National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing; Summary of Results, 2007 (2008), p 41
2 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019). Causes of Death, Australia, 2018: Intentional self-harm in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Catalogue No.3303. Retrieved 26 September 2019.