Checklist for changing home care package providers

Changing home care providers is a straightforward process that allows you to find the best fit for your needs. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition, uninterrupted services and even to prevent your Home Care Package from being withdrawn.
Checklist for changing home care providers
Review your current Home Care Agreement
Be aware of any costs and notice periods that might apply. From 1 January 2023, providers are not allowed to charge you an exit amount.
Find a new Home Care Package provider
Find a new provider before agreeing on an end date with your current one. This will ensure minimal disruptions to your services. Read our article “How to choose a home care provider that’s right for you.
Give a written notice to your current provider
You must let your provider know in writing (an email is fine) that you wish to end their services. Find in your Home Care Agreement the required notice period, and provide the date in the termination letter. Once the notification is sent and an end date is set, you will be able to determine when you can start services with your new provider.
Reactivate your referral code
Once you end a Home Care Agreement, your referral code is deactivated. Reactivate it by calling My Aged Care and let your new provider know.
At WMQ, you can skip that step – we can reactivate the code for you.
Review your care plan
Work with your new provider to develop or review your care plan.
Agree on a start date
Set a start date and enter into a Home Care Agreement. The start date must be on or after the end date with your old home care provider. When possible, make the end and the start date the same (or very close together) to minimise disruptions to your services.
Check unspent funds have been transferred
Your old provider is required to send you a final statement outlining any unspent funds within 56 days of your agreement ending. These unspent funds will be held by the Government and will be made available to the new provider after 70 days of the cessation day. The new Home Care Package provider will also show the available unspent funds on the statement after the 70-day transfer period.
Be aware of the 56-day rule to prevent your HCP from being withdrawn
You have 56 days from the agreed end date to enter into a Home Care Agreement with a new provider AND to tell your old provider who your new provider is. Otherwise, your Home Care Package will be withdrawn. If you need more time, call My Aged Care within those 56 days to request a 28-day extension.
When Sally [WMQ Home Care Coordinator] went on holiday, I don't think she realised how much we missed her, even if other people are doing the services. When she's here, we have a feeling of support and safety. She tries to come here once a month, but I sent her a message yesterday and she rang me straight away.
– Keith Heale, our Home Care client, about Sally, his Home Care coordinator in the Sunshine Coast. Read his story and testimonial about WMQ's home care services.
Home Care with WMQ
Our compassionate approach is what makes us extra special!
Experience compassionate and personalised home care services with Wesley Mission Queensland. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals provides support for daily activities, companionship, and tailored care plans to ensure well-being in the comfort of home.