Information for health professionals
Supporting Minds is a FREE clinical mental health service in the Gold Coast. We accept referrals from anyone, from health professionals to self-referrals.
For enquiries and client-specific questions please call 07 3151 3828,
Supporting Minds is a mental health service that provides 3-month, moderate intensity, structured psychological supports and other structured interventions such as group-based lifestyle interventions.
Funded by Gold Coast PHN, Wesley Mission Queensland has been commissioned to deliver two service streams under supporting minds:
Supporting Minds operates under a capped budget, and is intended to provide services only to those with the greatest need, that cannot be appropriately met by other services.
To check if your patient is eligible, please call Supporting Minds on 07 3151 3828.
Supporting Minds offers the following mental health clinicians:
The Supporting Minds service provides:
The service is available to people residing in the Gold Coast Primary Health Network (GCPHN) region, with or without a Medicare card. You do not need an ID or Mental Health plan to access the service. This is a FREE service. You must meet the Supporting Minds eligibility criteria to access the program:
- significant transitions (e.g., job loss, relationship breakdown, sudden or unexpected death of loved one)
- trauma (e.g., physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, witnessing or being a victim of an extremely violent incident, natural disaster)
- experiencing harm from others (including violence, vulnerability, exploitation)
- interpersonal or social difficulties (e.g., conflict with friend or colleague, loneliness, social isolation, bullying, relationship difficulties)
- performance related pressure (e.g., work, school, exam stress)
- ability to or difficulty having basic physical, emotional, environmental, or material needs met (such as homelessness, unsafe living environment, poverty) and
- legal issues.
The care plan may include up to six sessions of individual or group structured psychological therapy using evidence-based therapeutic interventions such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Insight-Oriented Therapy, Supportive psychotherapy, Interpersonal psychotherapy, and Narrative Therapy. Peer support group sessions can also be provided.
o Up to 6 sessions of 1:1 structured psychological therapy from a tertiary qualified mental health clinician
o Evidence-based therapeutic interventions including (but not limited to);
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behaviour therapy (DBT)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Insight-oriented therapy
- Supportive psychotherapy
- Interpersonal psychotherapy
- Narrative therapy
If you have a patient who is not eligible for the Supporting Minds program, you can refer them to Head to Health for an assessment and direction towards a program appropriate for them.
Head to Health
Contact: 1800 595 212
Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm
Patients can contact Head to Health directly or you can refer them into the service using the forms xxxxxxxxxxxxx. If you send a referral, Head to Health will keep you informed of the service that your patient has been directed to.
Make sure the client meets the core eligibility requirements:
Make a referral
Option 1: form referral
Please choose your preferred referral form. The Supporting Minds direct referral form will be sent directly to Supporting Minds.
Option 2: phone referral
Your client will be assessed by a mental health clinician. Phone referrals can be done:
1. Directly with our Supporting Minds team on 07 3151 3828.
2. Via Head to Health (recommended for self-referrals) on 1800 595 212 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm).
Fax the referral form to the contact detail included in the form.
If using the GCPHN form, you can send the referral form via Secure Messaging:
When you send a referral, Head to Health will contact your client and keep you informed of the allocation of that referral.
If the referral is approved.
After the client's request is accepted, they will be assigned to WMQ and informed about when they can start.
If the client is not eligible.
If the client is found to be ineligible, our intake team will reach out to the referrer and provide recommendations for alternative forms of support.
“As someone with lived experience, I understand how difficult it can be attending services and not knowing if they are safe. The team here goes above and beyond making sure you feel connected and supported.”
Kehlan Chabau-Gibson
Supporting Minds Wellbeing Consultant (LGBTIQAP+ stream)
Contact Wesley Mission Queensland's Supporting Minds Team. For all referral enquiries and client-specific questions please call 07 3151 3828, Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 5pm.
Whatever you're going through,
Supporting Minds will face it with you.