Empowering young lives: Joshua’s journey to stability and connection with headspace Hervey Bay

headspace Hervey Bay is celebrating the resilience and success of Joshua, a 23-year-old Indigenous man who has overcome significant challenges with the support of our Hervey Bay and Maryborough teams.
Joshua’s journey highlights the transformative impact that mental health support and community connection can have for young people facing difficult circumstances. headspace is so proud of you Josh! Great work Hervey Bay and Marybrough Team!
– Krissie Anderson, Community Development Officer - Mental Health Services, Wesley Mission Queensland
In June 2024, Joshua arrived at headspace Hervey Bay after a long journey from Townsville. Homeless and without financial, family, or cultural connections in the area, Joshua found himself in urgent need of support.
The headspace Hervey Bay team stepped up immediately, providing him with essential food and necessities. He was promptly seen by the clinical team, introduced to Indigenous staff members, and referred to Wesley Mission Queensland’s Youth & Family Recovery Worker, Krissie. Essential youth services and employment
Krissie played a pivotal role in helping Joshua access temporary accommodation at Good Hope Men’s Shelter and connecting him with other local organisations for additional support. With Krissie’s guidance, Joshua also received assistance at Centrelink to update his living situation and secure an emergency payment, helping him gain some financial stability and focus on his mental health.
Once his immediate needs were addressed, Joshua was referred to the headspace Work & Study team to explore youth support services and job opportunities that matched his skills in labouring and hospitality.
Tari, a member of the Work & Study team, connected Joshua with local employment networks, introducing him to Butchulla Indigenous Industries, an Indigenous-owned forestry business. Through this introduction, Joshua met the Director, Norman, and his son Conrad, both Butchulla men who welcomed Joshua into the community and provided him with meaningful employment, deepening his cultural connection and sense of purpose.
The transformative impact of mental health and indigenous employment support With the support of headspace Hervey Bay and the connections he’s formed, Joshua has regained stability, purpose, and a sense of belonging. His journey is a testament to the life-changing impact of mental health services, Indigenous employment opportunities, and holistic, compassionate support.
headspace Hervey Bay is proud of Joshua and grateful to everyone involved in his journey. Here’s to his continued success and well-being!
If you are looking for support with your wellbeing and mental health, Wesley Mission Queensland can work alongside you, providing clinical and non-clinical services, driven by an inclusive, recovery oriented framework.
Photos and story approved by participant.