Vital charity work continues from a new base in an aged care community

Over the last eighteen years, 86-year-old Marjorie Bol has been busy putting together care packages for the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s (RBWH) Sexual Assault Response Team. Marjorie moved into a Wesley Mission Queensland aged care community five years ago and found no barrier to continue her great charity work.
Marjorie is a resident at our Parkview aged care community and has enjoyed continuing to give her time, effort and skills into her charity Dare to Care.
Marjorie founded Dare to Care in 2002, when she heard a police officer on the radio talking about the need for supplies for assault victims.
“I was listening to the radio one afternoon and I heard a police officer begging people to give gift clothes and supplies for assault victims. I received my first donation that day of 45 cents,” says Marjorie.
The charity started out small and with the help of Marjorie’s community she was able to collect toiletry bags from women and organise regular deliveries to the hospital.
“I received donations of toiletry bags from ladies at a luncheon. From there I would receive items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, combs, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary pads, that sort of thing.”
Marjorie is also a talented artist. You’ll often see her display of hand painted cards and prints at Parkview aged care community, with all proceeds going towards Dare to Care.
In recent years Marjorie has had assistance from her two grand-daughters, Emily and Sara. Emily and Sara not only help sorting out supplies and creating an inventory list, they are also creative just like their Grandma. They have found inspiration in Marjorie’s art and have taken her artwork to a global audience through an online store called Redbubble and a Facebook page called Dare to Care Art. They have since transformed Marjorie’s prints into artwork on mugs, bags, t-shirts, phone cases and lots more!
“I couldn’t do it without my grand-daughters. Before Christmas we had lots of donations of supplies coming in. The two of them sat in my room sorting through everything and packing the bags. We delivered 58 care packages to the RBWH Sexual Assault Response Team, which is the most I have sent at one time,” says Marjorie.
“The RBWH have been so grateful for contribution we have made and have recently taken the time to thank me for the generous donation of the care packages.”
Marjorie and her grand-daughters are looking forward to continuing their great support and hope that with an online presence they’ll be able to raise more funds for sexual assault victims.
“It’s been wonderful working with the community over the years and helping people in need. Even that donation of 45 cents counts. It all counts.”
To find out more about Wesley Mission Queensland’s aged care communities please visit our webpage.