WMQ videos aim at normalising conversations about death and dying

Death and dying is a topic many people find difficult to discuss, but we need to encourage and normalise these conversations. Open dialogue about death and dying are an important way to understand a person’s wishes as they approach end of life.
As part of our commitment to education and awareness in palliative care, staff from WMQ's Hopewell House and Hummingbird House palliative care services created a series of videos aimed at normalising conversations about death and dying.
Talking about final wishes
With Rebekah from Hopewell Hospice
Clinical Nurse Rebekah Beechey, from WMQ’s Hopewell Hospice, discusses the importance of having conversations about death and dying, so families can focus on the things that matter, and honour their loved ones hopes and wishes when the time comes.
Early conversations
With Rebekah from Hopewell Hospice
Clinical Nurse Rebekah Beechey offers tips on how to start a conversation about hopes and wishes with someone you love at end of life. Rebekah shares some gentle ways to approach these conversations, and specific things you may want to explore together.
What is Palliative Care?
With Dr Fiona Hawthorne
Dr Fiona Hawthorne, General Manager - Palliative Care Services WMQ, explains what Palliative Care is, and what it isn't.
What makes Rebekah so passionate about her role in palliative care
For a lot of people, speaking about their final wishes as they near end of life brings up uncomfortable emotions, but for the dedicated and compassionate team at Hopewell Hospice, normalising discussions and supporting families is all part of the amazing work that they do each and every day. We spoke with Rebekah, Clinical Nurse at Hopewell Hospice, about what makes her so passionate about her role in palliative care and how keeping communication open can result in a beautiful ending.